Adams, B. (1996) Gold discovered in Big Bear Valley. Retrieved February 11, 2006, from http://score.rims. NowandThen3.htm
Bean, J. L., & Vane, S. B. (Eds.). (1981). Native American places in the San Bernardino National Forest, California. Menlo Park, CA: Cultural Systems Research, Incorporated.
Beattie, G. W., & Beattie, H. P. (1951). Heritage of the valley: San Bernardino’s first century. Oakland, CA: Biobooks.
Brown, J., & Boyd, J. (1922). History of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company.
Burke, M. T. (1992). An ecological survey of the proposed Broom Flat Ride research natural area, San Bernardino National Forest, San Bernardino County, California. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station (unpublished manuscript).
Clarr, R. C. (1959). California government and forestry. Sacramento, CA: Division of Forestry, Department of Natural Resources.
Cordell, K., & Stokes, J. (2000). The social value of wilderness: A Forest Service perspective. International Journal of Wilderness, 6(2), 23-34.
Cozad, W. L. (2002). Those magnificent mountain movies (the golden years) 1911-1939. Lake Arrowhead, CA: Rim of the World Historical Society.
Environmental Working Group. (2006). Public lands control assessment: San Gorgonio Wilderness. Retrieved February 9, 2006, from losingground/sitedetail.php?place_name=San+ Gorgonio+Wilderness Environmental Working Group
Fire Lookout Host Program. (2005). San Bernardino National Forest Fire Lookout Program. Retrieved February 12, 2005, from http://66.92. 57.47/
Frome, M. (1974). Battle for the wilderness. New York: Praeger Publisher and Wilderness Society.
Gordon, M., & Saffle, K. (1996). A brief history of the San Gorgonio Wilderness and the San Gorgonio Wilderness Association. Retrieved June 10, 2005, from http://www. history.htm
Guinn, J. M. (1898). Old Fort Moore. Annual Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, 145.
Hansen, W. (1973). The stories of Heart Bar. (Available from the U. S. Forest Service Office, San Bernardino).
Hendee, J. C., & Dawson, C. P. (2002) Wilderness management: Stewardship and protection of values (3rd ed.). Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing.
Holladay, F. (1987, March 29). Bumpy mountain rides made West Coast history. San Bernardino County Sun, p. E4.
JayDeeBee Web Datatsites. (2005). Notable California aviation disasters. Retrieved February 10, 2006, from
Johanneck, D. P. (1975, Spring & Summer). A history of lumbering in the San Bernardino Mountains. San Bernardino County Museum Association Quarterly Magazine, XXI(3&4), 10-16.
Kebabjian, R. (1997). Plane Crash Retrieved February 9, 2006, from http://www.plane crashinfo. com/1987/1987-11.htm)
Kendall, M. (n.d.). The inland area is prime territory for aviation and history buffs fascinated by old wrecks. Long Beach Press-Telegram. Retrieved February 10, 2006, from part1.htm
Marion, J., & Reid, S. (2001). Development of the U. S. Leave No Trace Program: An historical perspective. Retrieved March 11, 2006, from about/ history.html
Marshall, R. (1930) The problem of the wilderness. Scientific Monthly, 30, 141-148.
National Transportation Safety Board Brief LAx98FA09. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2006, from http:// FA095&akey=1
Ohl, C. (1987). History of Far West Ski Association: The battle for San Gorgonio. Retrieved October 24, 2005, from
Affairs/Ski History/FWSA/HistorySanG.htm
Richardson, E. W. (1977). Guideposts to history. San Bernardino, CA: Santa Fe Federal Savings and Loan Association. (2004). The Old Fire: One year ago. Retrieved January 24, 2005, from http://rimoftheworld. net/oldfireoneyear
Robinson, J.W. (2003). San Bernardino mountain trails: 100 hikes in Southern California. Berkely, CA: Wilderness Press.
Robinson, J.W. (1989). The San Bernardinos: The mountain country from Cajon Pass to Oak Glen, two centuries of changing use. Arcadia, CA: Big Santa Anita Historical Society.
Robinson, J. W. (1991). San Gorgonio: A wilderness preserved. San Bernardino, CA: The San Gorgonio Volunteer Association.
San Bernardino Board of Trade. (1904). Report of the committee on forest and water. San Bernardino, CA: San Bernardino Board of Trade.
San Gorgonio Wilderness Association (1996). Special report: analysis of refuge collected from patrol August 10 & 11, 1996. Retrieved February 9, 2006, from http://www.
San Gorgonio Wilderness Association (1996-2006a). 1998 San Gorgonio Wilderness plan. Retrieved March 11, 2006, from plan.htm
San Gorgonio Wilderness Association (1996-2006b). Greyback Amphitheater Ranger Talk Programs. Retrieved March 11, 2006, from
San Gorgonio Wilderness Association (1996-2006c). San Gorgonio Wilderness Association. Retrieved February 2, 2006, from
Stegner, W. (1962). The wilderness letter. Retrieved February 9, 2006, from OurIssues/Wilderness/wildernessletter.cfm
Stephenson, J. R., & Calcarone, G. M. (1999). Southern California mountains and foothills assessment: Habitat and species conservation issues: General Technical Report GTR-PSW-172. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service.
Subcommittee on Public Lands of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. (1965). San Gorgonio Wilderness Area: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Public Lands of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
USDA Forest Service (2004). National Forest Adventure Pass: Project accomplishments 2004. Retrieved February 12, 2006, from ap/proj-accom-2004-3.html
USDA Forest Service. (2005a) Fire and aviation–Old and Grand Prix Fires October 2003. Retrieved February 4, 2006, from http://www.fs.fed. us/r5/sanbernardino/ fire/oldfire.shtml
USDA Forest Service. (2005b). InciWeb–U. S. Forest Service incident information system. Retrieved February 4, 2006, from
USDA Forest Service. (2005c). History and design of the Recreation Fee Program in southern California. Retrieved March 11, 2006, from r5/sanbernardino/ap/history.shtml
USDA Forest Service. (2005d). Land management plan: Part 1–southern California national forests vision (R5-MB-075). Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
USDA Forest Service. (2005e). Land management plan: Part 2-San Bernardino National Forest strategy (R5-MB-079). Washington DC: Government Printing Office.
USDA Forest Service. (2005f). Recreation passes of the Pacific Southwest. Retrieved February 25, 2006, from
USDA Forest Service. (2005g). Your fees at work. Retrieved March 11, 2006, from sanbernardino/ap/fees-at-work.shtml
The Wilderness Act of 1964, 16 U. S. C. §1131-1136 (1964).
Wilderness Society. (2006). Cedar Mountain Wilderness Area signed into law. Retrieved February 25, 2006, from
Wilson, J. (2005, December). President’s message. The Wilderness Dispatch(9), 2, 1.
Zahniser, Edward (1992). Where wilderness preservation began: Adirondack writings of Howard Zahniser. Utica, NY: North Country Books.
Adams, B. (1996) Gold discovered in Big Bear Valley. Retrieved February 11, 2006, from http://score.rims. NowandThen3.htm
Bean, J. L., & Vane, S. B. (Eds.). (1981). Native American places in the San Bernardino National Forest, California. Menlo Park, CA: Cultural Systems Research, Incorporated.
Beattie, G. W., & Beattie, H. P. (1951). Heritage of the valley: San Bernardino’s first century. Oakland, CA: Biobooks.
Brown, J., & Boyd, J. (1922). History of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company.
Burke, M. T. (1992). An ecological survey of the proposed Broom Flat Ride research natural area, San Bernardino National Forest, San Bernardino County, California. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station (unpublished manuscript).
Clarr, R. C. (1959). California government and forestry. Sacramento, CA: Division of Forestry, Department of Natural Resources.
Cordell, K., & Stokes, J. (2000). The social value of wilderness: A Forest Service perspective. International Journal of Wilderness, 6(2), 23-34.
Cozad, W. L. (2002). Those magnificent mountain movies (the golden years) 1911-1939. Lake Arrowhead, CA: Rim of the World Historical Society.
Environmental Working Group. (2006). Public lands control assessment: San Gorgonio Wilderness. Retrieved February 9, 2006, from losingground/sitedetail.php?place_name=San+ Gorgonio+Wilderness Environmental Working Group
Fire Lookout Host Program. (2005). San Bernardino National Forest Fire Lookout Program. Retrieved February 12, 2005, from http://66.92. 57.47/
Frome, M. (1974). Battle for the wilderness. New York: Praeger Publisher and Wilderness Society.
Gordon, M., & Saffle, K. (1996). A brief history of the San Gorgonio Wilderness and the San Gorgonio Wilderness Association. Retrieved June 10, 2005, from http://www. history.htm
Guinn, J. M. (1898). Old Fort Moore. Annual Publications of the Historical Society of Southern California, 145.
Hansen, W. (1973). The stories of Heart Bar. (Available from the U. S. Forest Service Office, San Bernardino).
Hendee, J. C., & Dawson, C. P. (2002) Wilderness management: Stewardship and protection of values (3rd ed.). Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing.
Holladay, F. (1987, March 29). Bumpy mountain rides made West Coast history. San Bernardino County Sun, p. E4.
JayDeeBee Web Datatsites. (2005). Notable California aviation disasters. Retrieved February 10, 2006, from
Johanneck, D. P. (1975, Spring & Summer). A history of lumbering in the San Bernardino Mountains. San Bernardino County Museum Association Quarterly Magazine, XXI(3&4), 10-16.
Kebabjian, R. (1997). Plane Crash Retrieved February 9, 2006, from http://www.plane crashinfo. com/1987/1987-11.htm)
Kendall, M. (n.d.). The inland area is prime territory for aviation and history buffs fascinated by old wrecks. Long Beach Press-Telegram. Retrieved February 10, 2006, from part1.htm
Marion, J., & Reid, S. (2001). Development of the U. S. Leave No Trace Program: An historical perspective. Retrieved March 11, 2006, from about/ history.html
Marshall, R. (1930) The problem of the wilderness. Scientific Monthly, 30, 141-148.
National Transportation Safety Board Brief LAx98FA09. (n.d.). Retrieved February 10, 2006, from http:// FA095&akey=1
Ohl, C. (1987). History of Far West Ski Association: The battle for San Gorgonio. Retrieved October 24, 2005, from
Affairs/Ski History/FWSA/HistorySanG.htm
Richardson, E. W. (1977). Guideposts to history. San Bernardino, CA: Santa Fe Federal Savings and Loan Association. (2004). The Old Fire: One year ago. Retrieved January 24, 2005, from http://rimoftheworld. net/oldfireoneyear
Robinson, J.W. (2003). San Bernardino mountain trails: 100 hikes in Southern California. Berkely, CA: Wilderness Press.
Robinson, J.W. (1989). The San Bernardinos: The mountain country from Cajon Pass to Oak Glen, two centuries of changing use. Arcadia, CA: Big Santa Anita Historical Society.
Robinson, J. W. (1991). San Gorgonio: A wilderness preserved. San Bernardino, CA: The San Gorgonio Volunteer Association.
San Bernardino Board of Trade. (1904). Report of the committee on forest and water. San Bernardino, CA: San Bernardino Board of Trade.
San Gorgonio Wilderness Association (1996). Special report: analysis of refuge collected from patrol August 10 & 11, 1996. Retrieved February 9, 2006, from http://www.
San Gorgonio Wilderness Association (1996-2006a). 1998 San Gorgonio Wilderness plan. Retrieved March 11, 2006, from plan.htm
San Gorgonio Wilderness Association (1996-2006b). Greyback Amphitheater Ranger Talk Programs. Retrieved March 11, 2006, from
San Gorgonio Wilderness Association (1996-2006c). San Gorgonio Wilderness Association. Retrieved February 2, 2006, from
Stegner, W. (1962). The wilderness letter. Retrieved February 9, 2006, from OurIssues/Wilderness/wildernessletter.cfm
Stephenson, J. R., & Calcarone, G. M. (1999). Southern California mountains and foothills assessment: Habitat and species conservation issues: General Technical Report GTR-PSW-172. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service.
Subcommittee on Public Lands of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. (1965). San Gorgonio Wilderness Area: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Public Lands of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
USDA Forest Service (2004). National Forest Adventure Pass: Project accomplishments 2004. Retrieved February 12, 2006, from ap/proj-accom-2004-3.html
USDA Forest Service. (2005a) Fire and aviation–Old and Grand Prix Fires October 2003. Retrieved February 4, 2006, from http://www.fs.fed. us/r5/sanbernardino/ fire/oldfire.shtml
USDA Forest Service. (2005b). InciWeb–U. S. Forest Service incident information system. Retrieved February 4, 2006, from
USDA Forest Service. (2005c). History and design of the Recreation Fee Program in southern California. Retrieved March 11, 2006, from r5/sanbernardino/ap/history.shtml
USDA Forest Service. (2005d). Land management plan: Part 1–southern California national forests vision (R5-MB-075). Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.
USDA Forest Service. (2005e). Land management plan: Part 2-San Bernardino National Forest strategy (R5-MB-079). Washington DC: Government Printing Office.
USDA Forest Service. (2005f). Recreation passes of the Pacific Southwest. Retrieved February 25, 2006, from
USDA Forest Service. (2005g). Your fees at work. Retrieved March 11, 2006, from sanbernardino/ap/fees-at-work.shtml
The Wilderness Act of 1964, 16 U. S. C. §1131-1136 (1964).
Wilderness Society. (2006). Cedar Mountain Wilderness Area signed into law. Retrieved February 25, 2006, from
Wilson, J. (2005, December). President’s message. The Wilderness Dispatch(9), 2, 1.
Zahniser, Edward (1992). Where wilderness preservation began: Adirondack writings of Howard Zahniser. Utica, NY: North Country Books.
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